- Laparascopic surgery
- Physiological effects
- IAP <10 mmHg
- IAP 10-20 mmHg
- Dec venous return, ↓CO
↑SVR, BP N or ↑
- IAP > 20 mmHg
- ↓venous return, CO ↡, hypotension
- Arrhythmias
- Respiratory
- Lung volumes and FRC low
- High airway resistance
- Low pulmonary compliance
- Airway pressure increased
- Risk of barotrauma
- V/Q mismatch
- Endobronchial intubation
- Atelectasis
- Renal
- GI
- Risk of regurgitation
- ↓splanchnic circulation
- Neurological
- Positioning issues
- Post-op
- Antiemetics
- Shoulder-tip pain
- Cerebral irritation in long cases
- Airway oedema can occur
- Benefits
- Reduced wound infection
- Faster recovery
- Reduced morbidity
- Reduced pain
- Surgical complications
- CO₂ absorption
- SubQ emphysema
- Venous gas embolism
- Bowel perforation
- Retroperitoneal haematoma
- 'Well leg' compartment syndrome