- Hip fractures
- Pre-op considerations
- Elderly
- Polypharmacy
- High risk
- Blood loss variable
- Consider fluid balance and catheterisation
- Senior anaesthetic and surgical input
- Delays of 48 hrs or more have a poorer outcome
- Intra-op optimisation
- Consideration of ODM
- Consider arterial line
- Post-op care
- Fluid management
- Supplemental O₂ for 72 hrs
- Avoid NSAIDs
- Mobilise early
- Nutrition
- Operative management
- GA
- Lower levels of post-op hypotension
- Higher blood loss but not increase in transfusion requirement
- Lower sats post-op
- Higher rate of MI?
- ? Increased POCD
- CNB should be delayed for >12 hrs post-LMWH
- Regional
- Lower blood loss
- Lower incidence of DVT & PE
- Reduced operative time
- Possibly higher CVA rate
- Regional has lower mortality at 1/12 but not 3/12
- Local nerve block
- Reduces opiate consumption
- Combination
- Little evidence of long term mortality benefit