- Elderly
- Renal
- 50% decrease in the abiliy to excrete water +/or electrolytes due to loss of cortical glomeruli
- The ability of the kidneys to deal with fluid is diminished
- Neurological
- Generalised loss of cells
- Loss of baroreceptor reflexes
- Blindness due to cataract and glaucoma
- Deafness
- Dementia 20% in over 80s
- Atrial pacemaker cells decline so AF is common
- Reduced maximal heart rate
- CO altered by increasing SV rather than HR
- PVR increases causing LVH
- Hypotension on induction commoner
- Reduced beta receptor sensitivity
- Limit fluid to 8ml/kg then use vasopressor if SBP < 90mmHg
- Locomotor
- OA common
- Falls
- Balance problems
- Limited fat for thermogenesis
- Pressure areas/venous access
- Difficulty with positioning and regional techniques
- Temperature
- Limited muscle bulk to return temp to normal
- Regional techniques have a better 1/12 mortality but not at 3 months
- GI
- Reduced gut motility
- Constipation
- Pharmalogical implications
- Induction doses reduced due to decreased protein binding
- Prolongation of arm brain circulation time
- Reduced hepatic clearance of induction agents
- Opiates have increased elimination half life due to increased lipid content in elderly
- MAC reduced and insoluble agents are taken up slowly due to V/Q mismatch and shunt. Their CC compounds this
- NMBDs onset and duration of action both prolonged due to reduced c.o. and metabolism
- Respiratory
- Reduction of elastic support leading to collapse
- CC encroaches on FRC by age 65
- Airway collapse commoner while asleep
- Silent aspiration common
- More dependent on diaphragm due to chest wall rigidity
- Lower pO₂ leads to peri-operative hypoxaemia
- There is reduced ventilatory response to hypercarbia and hypoxaemia
- Edentulous may be hard to maintain airway
- Over 75s have a high rate of complications