- Obstetric cardiac disease
- Patients may present before 28wks as the maximal pre-delivery co is achieved
- Physiological changes
- Peripheral vasodilatation leads to reduction in SVR
- Co increases by 40-50% mainly by increased SV
- There is auto transfusion of 300-500ml during contractions. This combined with SNS stimulation and reduced colloid osmotic pressure make women susceptible to p.o.
- General management
- Pre delivery
- Ideally under shared care of cardiologists, obstetricians and anaesthetists
- Clear plan established in advance
- Optimise mothers condition pre-conceptually and during pregnancy
- Consider tertiary referral and place of delivery
- Mode of delivery
- Usually vaginal unless there is a deterioration in cardiac status
- Aim for spontaneous onset of labour, low dose epidural and assisted vaginal delivery with forceps/ventouse
- General anaesthesia is also an option
- Maintenance of haemodynamic stability is more important than the technique chosen
- Oxytocin bolus should be omitted
- Ergometrine and carboprost are not recommended
- Postpartum
- High levels of maternal surveillance up to 2 weeks
- Development of peripartum cardiomyopathy can occur up to 5 months post delivery
- Specific disease
- MI
- Most have identifiable risk factors
- The treatment of choice is PCI
- Aim for haemodynamic stability with GA, CSE or epidural
- Aortic dissection
- Commoner in Marfans
- Risk near full term and immediate postpartum
- If aortic root diameter >4cm the risk of rupture is higher
- Consider root replacement pre-conception
- Monitor every 4-8wks
- Valvular heart disease
- MS commoner in immigrant populations
- High risk of pulmonary oedema esp with pre-eclampsia
- Use slow epidural if SVD is to be tried
- MR and AR are generally well tolerated due to vasodilatation of pregnancy
- AS carries high risk - avoid sudden vasodilatation
- Very high risk
- Mortality 30-50%
- Use PA vasodilators (eg sildenafil)
- Delivery under 'cardiac' anaesthetic