- Anaesthesia and pituitary disease
- Symptoms
- Hormone hypersecretion
- Hormone hyposecretion
- Mass effect
- Headache
- Field defects
- CN palsies
- Hydrocephalus
- Raised ICP
- Hypersecretion
Syndromes - Acromegaly
- Excess in GH usually from functioning pituitary macroadenoma (>10mm)
- Present with symptoms of mass effect and excess GH
- BMV usually easy
- Laryngoscopy more difficult due to macrognathia, large tongue, expansion of upper airway tissues
- OSAS is common
- Proximal myopathy and kyphoisis can be seen
- HT, LVH, cor pulmonale, IHD, arrhythmias, heart block, cardiomyopathy also seen
- Positioning is vital due to nerve entrapment
- DM may be present
- Cushing's disease
- Due to ACTH hypersecretion
- Truncal obesity, moon facies, proximal myopathy, thin skin, osteoporosis, exopthalmos, buffalo hump, OSAS, HT, LVH, VTE, DM, PUD all features
- Prolactinomas
- Hyperprolactinaemia causes galactorrhoea, menstrual disturbances, hypogonadism, reduced libido, erectile dysfunction
- Surgery only if bromocriptine/cabergoline fail
- Hyposecretion
Syndromes - Adrenocortical insufficiency
- Rx saline, dextrose and IV hydrocortisone
- Hypothyroidism
- DI
- General aims
- Haemodynamic stability
- Intubation
- Consider AFOI
- Pack for secretions
- IV or inhalational agents suitable
- Intense stimulus with fracture of the nasal septum
- Lumbar drains may be inserted prior to surgery to allow injection of saline to promote descent of the tumour. Controlled hypercapnoea can achieve the same result
- VAE is uncommon as is carotid artery injury
- Nurse in HDU post-op
- Test VA and visual fields regularly
- DI usually develops in the first 24 hrs
- All require steroid replacement
- Liase with endocrinologists
- Surgery
- Mostly transphenoidal
- Benefits
- Avoids craniotomy
- Less blood loss
- Direct access to the gland
- Complications
- CSF leak
- Meningitis
- Panhypopituitarism
- Transient DI
- Vascular damage
- CN injury
- Cerebral ischaemia, stroke
- Use of cocaine as a vasoconstrictor can lead to exaggerated hypertensive response