- Nutrition on ITU
- Total energy expenditure can be 25-30kcal/day in the first few days up to 45-60kcal/day in the second week on ITU.
- Complications
- Impaired wound healing
- Reduced muscle strength
- Difficulty weaning
- Increased risk of respiratory infection
- Routes/considerations
- Enteral route preferred
- Post-pyloric feeding might be better in pancreatitis
- Post pyloric feeding otherwise not particularly beneficial
- Consider nj feeding, jejunostomy etc
- Problems with TPN
- Hyperglycaemia
- Acidosis
- Sepsis
- Dehydration
- Fatty liver
- Can be given peripherally using lower molar load or via a PICC
- Electrolyte imbalance
- Uraemia
- Calculating requirements
- Can be difficult
- Vary daily
- ?24 hr urea collection
- Volume depends on disease eg ARDS, CRF.
- Immunomodulation
- Various additives tried
- Glutamine
- Arginine
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- Ribonucleotides
- Taurine
- Phospholipids
- Probiotics
- Glutamine may help in PN for ITU patients
- Daily requirements
- Energy
- Fluid
- Protein/nitrogen
- Carbohydrate
- Fat
- Minerals
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Phosphate
- Zinc
- Vitamins/trace elements