- Burns
- Airway may be compromised - intubation early with uncut tube
- Breathing
- ARDS picture
- Bronchospasm
- Smoke inhalation
- Cyanide toxicity
- CO inhalation - check levels
- May need escharotomy
- Circulation
- Increased permeability (PGE2, PGI2, leukotrienes, TXA2)
- Thrombosis/destroyed vessels
- Sepsis (late)
- Impaired renal function
- Fluid loss
- Hypoalbuminaemia
- Over resuscitation
- Disability
- BM
- Rule of 9's
- >15% burn requires IVI
- >10% in children
- Parkland formula
- 4ml/kg/% burn. Half over first 8hrs from injury. Remaining half in the subsequent 24hrs. CSL is the fluid used.
- Cover burns
- Early operative Mx is the trend
- Catheterise
- Muscle damage may occur which can lead to myocardial depression.
- Referral criteria
- Burns >10%
- Burns of special areas
- Full thickness burns >5%
- Electrical and chemical burns
- Circumferential burns
- Burns at extremities of age
- Burns associated with trauma
- Hyper-metabolic state with high calorific requirements. Can be a problem with repeated fasting episodes.
- Practical issues
- ECG dots not sticking
- SpO₂ probe trace/CO spurious results
- BP cuff
- Increased dead space may mean EtCO₂ may not reflect arterial CO₂
- CVP access may be difficult
- Resistance to NMBDS
- Hyperkalaemia with sux
- Susceptibility to sepsis
- Opiates for pain relief
- Background requirements
- Procedural requirements
- Consider ambient temp (30 ͦC) wound debridement may cause lots of bleeding so ensure blood/products available, evaporative losses, positioning