- Guideline - Catastrophes
- Immediate
- Records
- Keep accurate and contemporaneous records
- Legible, timed, dated and signed
- Electronic record printed
- Full retrospective account made ASAP if not able to at the time
- Keep a copy of the notes and make personal notes
- Fill out incident form
- Dealing with the anaesthetist
- The consultant should attend
- Decision made about continuing his/her on call
- Dealing with the patient
- Leave lines in
- Inform the coroner/GP
- Independent anaesthetist to confirm tube position
- Move body to appropriate area
- Dealing with relatives
- Do not explain over the phone
- Ask to come in for discussion
- FInd suitable room
- Interview with team
- Explain the news in a straightforward and honest way
- Stick to the facts
- May require an interpreter
- Later actions
- Equipment and drugs
- Consultant not involved should check the patient, drugs and equipment
- Drugs, ampoules, airway devices should all be kept in a secure place
- Further investigation may be required by manufacturers, toxicologists or maintenance personnel
- Dealing with the theatre team
- Debrief within a few hrs ideally
- Trained councellor may be needed
- Dealing with the media
- Trust manager should speak with the media
- Role of the anaesthetic department
- Provide support for the trainee
- An experienced anaesthetist should be assigned as a mentor
- Trust Response
- Ascertain if poor practice or system failure was evident
- If suspicion of a criminal act, the police should be informed
- Ensure the incident form has been filled out
- Liase with MRHA, NPSA and HSE
- Undertake root cause analysis
- Ensure the anaesthetist involved has sufficient support